
Friday, December 21, 2007

December 19, 2007
We had the opening of our annual Sportsfest/Intramurals. We are the Yellow team with four other sections, namely Avogadro, Arrhenius, Evans and Fermi. I did not join any sports/games because I'm not actually good on those. There were also booths such as Jail booth, Horror booth, Videoke booth, and Movie booth. I did enter on some booths but most of the time, I only watched games where the Yellow Team is playing. There was a time when I was caught was brought to the jail booth. But it was not for real! A third year student who is in-charge in that booth caught me for he thought that the students who will be caught are those wearing Chucks and slippers. But actually, students with Chucks are the only ones who will be caught. Aww. Hehe!

December 20, 2007
I went to school at exactly 2 PM. It was not for the intramurals, but for meeting Khim and go to the mall for the Christmas gifts. But sadly, we were not allowed to go outside until the fest ends. For that, we just watched Basketball and Volleyball. I was actually happy and enjoyed with the events that had happened in our last Intramurals at MunSci even though I did not join any sports. But at least, I participated in some booths. :)

Music: Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Fool

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