Ray: It's OK...
(Subtitle: Do not fine, you is just fine.)
Rachel: Is Robby OK? Are you OK?
(Subtitle: Robby do not fine, you do not fine?)
Rachel: Is it over?
(Subtitle: What that finish?)
Ray: You better be there when I get back!
(Subtitle: Better is you over there moment I return.)
Ray: Everybody just relax, OK?
(Subtitle: Altogether only is dark.)
Ogilvy: They have been planning this for a million years.
(Subtitle: Have planned since millions of last year.)
Ogilvy: This is not a war any more than there's a war between men and maggots...
(Subtitle: This non war again between Manon and of Maget.)
Ogilvy: This is an extermination.
(Subtitle: This is abbatoir.)
Ogilvy: Take them by surprise.
(Surprise: Give surprise them.)
Ray: You don't have anything to say to her, understand?
(Subtitle: You is there something that wish to be told? Understand.)
Ray: You gotta be quiet!
(Subtitle: You have to peace.)
Soldier: Everybody down!
(Subtitle: Altogether bow!!!)
Marami pa kong ilalagay dito na makukuha sa mga libro ni Bob Ong. Ipopost ko yung mga yun 'pag wala akong magawa.
Bob Ong, Idol! :D
Music: Fall Out Boy - Thriller